
                                     Interior of Earth

Showing inner ,  outer  material  and formation of  the  earth

               size  75x100 cms   each   Rs. 1250 /-

                                 Geographical Terms

Showing ideal  features  of  landscape  to reach  the formation of  particular  geographical terms

                     size  75x100 cms   each   Rs. 1250 /-            


                             Model  Of  Restless  Earth

  Showing sea floor spreading with the information of crust ,   subduction zones, the continents & mid ocean ridges.

                    size    75x100 cms        each    Rs.  1250 /-

                                       Formation  Of  Rocks

Showing  the  Geological  cycle  and  the  process  of ever changing  contents  of  the  earth  which results in formation of rocks.

                     size   75x100 cms           each   Rs. 1250 /-

                                      Glacial  Landscpae

Showing  the  landscape  before  and  after  glacial  action .

                     size     75x100 cms          each  Rs. 1250 /-


                   Three  Stages  Of  River  ( Water Cycle )

                Showing  river  actions  in  different  phases.

                  size      75x100 cms            each     Rs.1250 /-

                                    Conventional  Signs

             Showing  about  60  signs  in  actual  relief.

             size      75x100 cms            each     Rs.1250 /-

                                   Rocks  &  Volcanoes

    Showing  in  detai l the    (1) Sedimentary  Rocks  
        (2) Igeneous  Rocks      (3) Metamorphic  Rocks 
        (4) Volcanoes

              size      75x100 cms            each     Rs.1250 /-

                    Oxygen  &  Carbon  Cycle  In  Nature

Showing  in detail  the  oxygen  and  carbondioxide  in  the
air ,  photosynthesis  and  respirent.

                 size      75x100 cms            each     Rs.1250 /-

                                      Volcanic  System

Showing  different  parameters  of  how  volcanoes  takes place  as  the  hanging  feature  there  after.

               size      75x100 cms            each     Rs.1250 /-


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